EKG – Basic ECG Interpretation
Level I – Basic ECG Interpretation – 6 hours
This course will familiarize the student with the basic anatomy and physiology of the cardiopulmonary system as well as the electrophysiology of the heart. A large emphasis will be placed on gaining a fundamental understanding of the normal functions and electrical conduction of the heart. The student will learn the normal cardiac cycle as it relates to the 3-lead ECG and will become knowledgeable of the parts that make up the ECG. Students will learn how to approach the assessment of rhythms and will begin to become familiar with some of the more common rhythms. A portion of the class will also be dedicated to making sure students understand basic, lifesaving CPR accompanied by the use of an AED. This course is for students with little or no knowledge of ECG interpretation.
Prerequisite students are required to have a current BLS certification.